"What Do We Do on a Dew-Dew-Dewy Day?"

by Lane's Dance Orchestra

The Plaza Records Group, which included the Cameo/Romeo/Perfect labels as well as Regal and Lincoln, saw fit to release two separate versions of this huge hit from 1927 (the other is posted elsewhere in these archives). This version was recorded on August 8th of that year, one month after the "Lucky Ten Entertainers" version of this song, and released on Lincoln (as well as Romeo and Cameo, each label crediting a different orchestra). Those comparing the two arrangements will note they start off the same, but this one lingers longer in the introduction before starting the tune. The vocal is altogether different, with one guy singing and a trumpet making squawks behind him (that's fun to hear). It's a good tight band, though the name of the conductor is unknown, and good clean fun. The record was played nearly to death, and cracked as well, so noise reduction had to be carefully applied so not to obscure the music.
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