"Schultz on Christian Science"

by Frank Kennedy

Besides Cal Stewart's "Uncle Josh," and the various incarnations of "Casey," there was this creation of Frank Kennedy named "Schultz" (otherwise known as "the Dutch Philosopher"). Of the many Schultz monologs recorded for cylinder record, mostly in the late 1890s and early 1900s, very few survive now. This one is about Christian Science, taking that faith's views to an illogical and (for the time) amusing extreme. Frank Kennedy apparently flourished between 1898 and 1902, recording about three dozen "Schultz" records for Edison, then re-appearing in 1909 on two sides for Victor before disappearing into obscurity. This was one of the last Edison cylinders he recorded, in May of 1902, and is the second version of this particular bit (the first was a year earlier). The first part of the record plays smoothly, though mold gets to be a problem toward the end, and enough has been removed to make the monolog understandable. (One other Schultz monolog, "Schultz at the Paris Exposition," can be heard over at "archive.org".)
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