"Nothing Like That in our Family"

by Billy Murray

This Music Hall tune from 1906 was a big enough hit to be recorded twice in the U.S.: Will Denny recorded it for Edison (a sample of that can be heard at "tinfoil.com") and Billy Murray did it for Victor in March of that year. The song was written by Seymour Furth (co-wrote "Dixie Dan" as well as "If you Want to Pick a Fuss, Wait Until the Sun Shines") and Will Heelan (co-author of "You're Just as Sweet at Sixty as you were at Sweet Sixteen" and "Every Race Has a Flag but the Coon"). Billy was in his prime when he recorded this, and one can tell he enjoyed his work thoroughly. The record had been played pretty hard in its life, but after a de-crackle or two it turned out to sound very nice.
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