A delightful song from the pens of Albert Von Tilzer and Charles McCarron (the same pair that gave us "Eve Wasn't Modest Until She Ate the Apple" and "Oh How She Could Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo"). It was written in early 1916, when household chores were
performed by women rather than machines. Unless one watches the British television series "Manor House", or "Upstairs Downstairs", it is difficult to envision the amount of work that used to be part of a woman's daily life during this time frame. The perennial
Billy Murray recorded this song, in the jovial manner for which he was famous, for Edison on March 6 of 1916 - this is take "B", with the orchestra a bit faint behind Billy's strong voice. The disc from which this was sampled had been treated roughly, and
several different needles were tried until one was found that allowed the music to come through. After some judicious noise reduction work, this is once again fun to listen to.