"All The Boys Love Mary"

by Billy Murray

This is to fulfill a request for "more Billy Murray". During a brief hiatus between company contracts, before signing to Victor exlusively in 1920 (thanks to "Rocky" for that info), Billy Murray did freelance work for many smaller recording companies. This is a side he did for Aeolean-Vocalion in January of 1920. It's a cover version of a song written, and made famous, by Van and Schenck - Eddie Cantor also sang it to great effect. It's a clever Prohibition-era tune, and Billy ambles through this song in his customarily charming and adroit manner that we all know and love. The record was not played very much in its day so once the normal surface noise was handled it cleaned up very nicely. (Van and Schenck's version is available on CD at Archeophone, and Eddie Cantor's recording can be found on CD at Amazon.)
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