"By The Old Oak Tree"

by Billy Murray

Courtesy of Hourglass Antiques In 1904, composers Max Hoffmann, Ed Gardenier, and George V. Hobart had full-time jobs writing songs for the "Rogers Brothers" comedy duo - they had a string of hits on Broadway starring in what amounts to stage versions of Crosby and Hope's "Road pictures" - titles like "The Rogers Brothers In Paris", "The Rogers Brothers In Ireland", and so on, delighted audiences for several years. This is a song from the "In Paris" show, a Victorian love song repleat with animal symbolism, recorded by Columbia in September of 1904 with Billy Murray and a single piano for accompaniment. This was issued on an 8-inch disc with a playing time of 100 seconds. This copy was horribly mutilated by the equipment that played it, and it was cracked as well, but some careful noise reduction has brought out some of its original listenability.
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