"Dot's Vot Looie Uses"

by Art Linick

Author and announcer Art Linick, otherwise known as Mr. Schlagenhauer, was a better announcer than he was a singer but this is still a fun record. Art made four sides at Columbia's Chicago studios in the mid-20s about the same time as he published the book "25 Comic Parodies." This was the first side issued, waxed on September 17 of 1925. The other song recorded at this session, "Hugo I Go Where You Go," was never issued (thanks to David Lennick for that information as posted on the 78-c Message Board). The pianist, uncredited on the label, is Lee Sims who made many sides for Brunswick under his own name: see this web page to read more about him. The Dutch stereotype portrayed here, considered racially insensitive nowadays, was very popular in Vaudeville and Music Hall for many decades. The lyrics poke fun at prohibition in a way that everyone can understand. The original disc had been played heavily by its first owner, so there was lots of groove noise, but after noise reduction treatment more of the music is brought up front.
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