"Wild and Reckless Hobo"

by Vernon Dalhart

After he made music history with Guy Massey's "Prisoner's Song", selling a reputed million copies, Vernon made several similar records in an attempt to repeat that huge success. This one was waxed for Brunswick studios in June of 1925 when they were trying out their new semi-distorted electric recording equipment. There is no composer's credit here, which is normal for "country" music records issued by Brunswick: the uncredited guitarist is very likely Carson Robison who could well be the composer of this tune. The song is almost formulaic with its stereotypical romanticization of the hobo/bum/tramp figure, and one can hear a pre-echo of 40s Country singers such as Ernest Tubb. The disc surface survived without too much damage, so what little surface noise there was could be handled by standard noise reduction.
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