M.J. O'Connell, appearing here under the name of Robert Denning, began performing for Edison records about the time that Billy Murray signed an exclusive contract with Victor: this song is one that Murray probably would have sung if he was
available. This minor hit, written by Albert Gumble (co-author of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" and "I'd Feel At Home If They'd Let Me Join the Army") and Jack Meskill (co-wrote "Smile Darn Ya Smile" and "There's Danger in Your Eyes Cherie"),
was recorded on December 11 of 1923. It's a lesson in inflation, as in 1923 ten thousand dollars could buy a house with an acre of land! Multiply that by five and that will give you an idea of the values being discussed in the lyrics. The
recording is full-bodied, as was usual for Edison Labs, but weak relative to the surface noise. It sounds good again after noise reduction. |