This generically-named outfit only recorded three sides for Edison, and this was one of the two that were actually released. The song was a hit for the songwriters George Keefer (would later co-write "Charlie Was a Sailor") and Louis Herscher (would co-write
"The United Nations Anthem" after WWII) and it was recorded for many labels through late 1923 and early '24. This version was made for Edison Labs on December 14 of 1923. The recording is quite bright, as close as one could get to hi-fi in '23. The personnel
on this side is unknown - despite sounding under-rehearsed in spots the performance manages to hold together. The plunger-trumpet near the end of the side is a highlight of the piece. The record itself was in pretty good shape despite the small blisters under
the grooves in some spots - they become a minor issue after noise reduction treatment.