Ben Selvin's band by another name (and there were usually several other names, depending on the label). This was recorded on January 28 of 1926, shortly after Lee David and Billy Rose (co-wrote many songs together
including "Boomerang" and "Just a Year Ago Tonight") wrote and published the tune. Selvin's band gives it a rowdy rendition complete with the stereotypical musical touches that an Asian title would bring with it.
Given how common that was, indeed a song with Asian overtones could be counted on to have that buried in the arrangement somewhere, the influence of Paul Whiteman's immense hit "Japanese Sandman" was being felt six years
after the fact. Nice recording otherwise, with the somewhat boxy tone for which Harmony releases were infamous. The record had been played quite a bit but after removing some of the crackle with noise reduction it sounded
good again. (More sound samples of this band can be found at