For those who may have come to this page looking for information about "Murray The K", a New York disc jockey known for introducing the Beatles to American audiences, please click here to read about him.

The On-Line Discography of

Murry K. Hill

by Robert English

© 2004 by Robert English, all rights reserved. Please ask permission before using elsewhere.
                 Murry K. Hill was a comedian who thrived from about 1907 to 1913 and left us with a scattered, though extraordinary, body of recorded work. This web page is an attempt to collect the existing information about the released catalog of this man. Herewith, I am humbly presenting the results of my research in this area.

                 Murry's recording career seems to have begun and ended with Edison - he made his first record with them ("Good Old Steamboat Days" in 1907), and his last ("Honest Hold-up Man" in 1913). Victor recorded him prodigiously as well, but only after he had proven himself with Edison - he stopped recording with them in 1911, but since many of his sides were still listed in the 1917 catalog he must have remained a strong seller for them. He only recorded four 10" sides for Columbia disc, and they must have been taken out of production not long after that - the 1918 catalog for that company makes no mention of Hill. The cylinders sold through the Albany or Oxford company (and through Sears catalog) were marketed by Columbia originally and are listed accordingly. Those cylinders were among the last recorded by that company, and are not commonly found.

                 Each of these separate catalogs below is ordered chronologically. Catalog numbers seperated with a slash mean that the selection was issued twice. My sources are as follows: Victor catalog of November 1917, Columbia catalog of September 1918, Tyrone Settlemier's "Online Discographical Project", Christian Zwarg's "Truesound Online Discography Project", Kurt Nauck's "Vintage Record Auction", Tim Gracyk's reference book "Cylinder Lists," and the University of Santa Barbara Victor Discography. Without these resources, this project would have been much more difficult.

                 Some of these recordings are available on tape or CD through the following sites: "", "P and L Antiques", "", and "". Some others are available as on-line samples; as I search the Web and find pages with Hill samples on them, I will link them here. Those selections with on-line samples available will be active when you drag the mouse over the title.

                 Lastly, there is a common misconception about the spelling of his first name: "Murray" makes sense to some people, but in the Victor catalog as well as on each of his records his name is spelled "Murry". That is the spelling I am using here.

                 This web page is a work in progress, and all intelligent input from others is welcome (no flames, please).



A Bunch of Nonsense 16446 11/09/09
Four Hundred Nursury Rhymes ++ unissued ++ 11/09/09
Alphabet Song 16458 11/10/09
Father Was Out 16436 11/10/09
A Talk On Married Life 16463 11/10/09
The Tale Of The Cheese 35093 11/10/09
A Bit of Grand Opera 16837 / 16954 01/30/11
A Bit of Drama 16846 / 16944 01/30/11
How Columbus Discovered America 16890 01/30/11
Adventures in a Department Store 16861 / 16944 01/30/11
Jack Faust ++ unissued (listed as "destroyed") ++ 01/31/11
Seated Around an Oil Stove 35186 01/31/11
Kling Wing King and Sing ++ unissued (listed as "destroyed") ++ 01/31/11
Through a Hole in the Fence 16844 / 16954 01/31/11
A Talk On Trusts 16903 02/11/11
Burbank The Wizard 16849 02/15/11
The Old Jokes 16867 02/15/11
Four Hundred Nursury Rhymes (second attempt) ++ unissued (listed as "destroyed") ++ 02/15/11

Edison 2-minute Cylinder

In The Good Old Steamboat Days 9614 04/07
Oh Glory 9940 05/08
Don't Go Up In That Big Balloon, Dad 10375 03/14/10
Noah's Ark 10388 03/14/10

Edison 4-minute Cylinder

Father's Eccentricities Special B 07/08
The Stranded Minstrel Man 4M-16 07/08
A Bunch of Nonsense 4M-41 07/08
A Comedy Dream 4M-66 09/08
A String Of Laughs 4M-101 / 2112 12/08
There's a Woman in The Case 4M-185 04/09
Grandma's Mustard Plaster 4M-291 / 1969 07/09
Monolog on Married Life 4M-370 11/09
Back to Arizona 4M-748 04/11
Seated Around an Oil Stove 4M-1019 / 1909 02/12
The Honest Hold-up Man / Billy Beans 2166 10/13

Columbia Disc

Some Old Jokes A-995 03/03/11
Some Talk And Songs A-995 03/03/11
Father Was Out A-1011 04/11/11
Discourse on Trusts A-1011 04/11/11

Columbia/Oxford/Albany Indestructible Cylinder

Father Was Out 2M-1491 08/11
Oh Glory 2M-1493 08/11
Oh Fiddle 2M-1501 08/11
A Bunch of Nonsense 4M-3230 08/11
Talk on Married Life 4M-3240 08/11
Tale of the Cheese 4M-3249 08/11

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rev 4.3.11, RAE Productions