"Say It Again"

by Harry Raderman's Dance Orchestra

One of the better sides to emerge from Edison Labs was this tuneful and vivacious arrangement of the hit from Con Conrad (co-author of "You Got to See Your Mama Every Night" as well as the 30s classic "The Continental") and William Friedlander (co-wrote "You Can't Walk Back From an Aeroplane" but is chiefly known as a Broadway producer and director from 1920 to 1944). It was recorded on April 2nd of 1924 after the play it was from, "Moonlight", was in the middle of a very successful 6-month run at the Longacre Theater on West 48th Street in New York (see the IBDB for more details). This was a good example of what dance music was getting to be like, starting to break its long ties with Ragtime and cut loose a little. The trumpet solo near the end is a nice highlight, and though he doesn't take any liberties with the melody line the phrasing is sublime. The disc had been played a few times, but not unkindly, so there wasn't much noise to remove.
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