One of the better sides to emerge from Edison Labs was this tuneful and vivacious arrangement of the hit from Con Conrad (co-author of "You Got to See Your Mama Every Night" as well as the 30s classic "The Continental")
and William Friedlander (co-wrote "You Can't Walk Back From an Aeroplane" but is chiefly known as a Broadway producer and director from 1920 to 1944). It was recorded on April 2nd of 1924 after the play it was from, "Moonlight",
was in the middle of a very successful 6-month run at the Longacre Theater on West 48th Street in New York (see the IBDB for more details). This was a
good example of what dance music was getting to be like, starting to break its long ties with Ragtime and cut loose a little. The trumpet solo near the end is a nice highlight, and though he doesn't take any liberties with
the melody line the phrasing is sublime. The disc had been played a few times, but not unkindly, so there wasn't much noise to remove.