"Just Like a Rainbow"

by Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra

Bandleader Ted Fiorito, and Robert A. King (writing under the pen-name of Mary Earl), wrote many songs together including "Love Bird" and "Isle of Paradise." This is one they penned together in early 1920. There's a wonderful melody in here, buried as it is under the four-beat strict dance tempo. Raderman's band was playing in hotel ballrooms in New York, where real "jazz" was not allowed, so this was as hot as it got in October of 1920 when the tune was recorded for Edison Labs. The arrangement is typical for the period, before the freeing influence of blues undid the straightjacket of style, but the melody is the star of the show. The disc from which this was sampled had been played a lot but still had life in it. Light noise reduction was all it needed.
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