In the middle 20s, electronic amplification made it possible for a soto-voiced entertainer like Ruth Etting to thrive, as it gave her a chance to shine without having to throw her voice to "the cheap seats". Ruth mixed a serious musical approach with
spontaneous playfulness, which makes for delightful listening. In this example, recorded for Columbia on November 15 1927, she takes this evergreen classic and winds up chasing it like a butterfly. The tune, written twelve years earlier by Spencer
Williams (who gave us "Basin Street Blues" and "Mahogany Hall Stomp") and Roger Graham (known for this song, not much else) has remained a favorite. The surface on this record has suffered, and though it's still not perfect its listenablility is improved
considerably. (For further info about Ruth Etting, the "America's Sweetheart of Song" web site is recommended viewing.)