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"Monastery Bells Waltz"

by Henry W. Lange

One of the more prolific pianists of the post-WWI era, Henry recorded for both Brunswick and Edison as well as a number of piano roll companies. This is an Edison side from December 8 of 1922, take "A." It has the distinction of being the flip-side to Zez Confrey's only Edison recording, a solo version of "Kitten On the Keys," which can be heard at "Library of Congress American Memory" web site. The tune Henry's playing was written by Pete Wendling who was a legendary Tin Pan Alley composer, penning "There's Danger in your Eyes Cherie" and "Red Lips Kiss My Blues Away" plus many others. An alternate take of Lange's performance, relased on cylinder, can be heard over at the "University of Santa Barbera." This disc was in very nice shape and only needed a once-over to remove some rumble.
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