Sidney Claire (co-authored "You Said Somethin' When You Said Dixie" and "Travelin' Light") and Jimmy Monaco (famous for "You Made Me Love You" and the lesser-known "You Can Only Wear One Pair of Pants at a Time") wrote this
in late 1924, and every label had a version of it on the streets by year's end. Edison's version was recorded on October 9 and featured a band that didn't get a whole lot of recording time. It's a bright sounding ensemble,
with a great trumpet player who could really work the plunger - his extended solo is a highlight of the disc. Toward the end you'll hear the "doo-wacka-doo" brass chorous which was very hip in '24 (on the following day, in
fact, the Georgia Melodians recorded "Doo Wacka Doo" in the same studio - a sample of that record can be found on Rocky's page at "YouTube"). The
disc from which this was sampled was in very good shape so not much noise reduction was needed here.