"In the Land Where the Women Wear the Trousers"

by Charles Denton

This British spoof of the Women's Suffrage Movement, originally popularized by Australia's own Billy Williams, shows how "seriously" Women's rights were taken in 1910. Billy Williams recorded his own version in England that year, and it was shortly after that Charles Denton recorded this cover version for Oxford Indestructible cylinder. Charles Denton made five records for the Indestructible company in this time frame, three two-minute cylinders and a couple of four-minute cylinders (of which this is one), and then promptly faded into obscurity. He does a good workman-like job of imitating Billy Williams, with all of the words understandable, though he doesn't hold a candle to the original artist. (More info about Billy Williams can be found at Dan Nixon's web site.) Listening to the lyrics, it's interesting to note how much of what he sang has become reality in recent times!
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