In the Spring of 1915 the Marconi Wireless Telephone made its commercial debut. The first calls using this technology cost hundreds of dollars to make. Songwriters Jean Schwartz (co-wrote "Chinatown My Chinatown"), Bert Kalmar (co-wrote
"Where Did You Get That Girl"), and Edgar Leslie (co-wrote "Moon Over Miami") seized the moment and wrote this song. It was a big enough hit for Victor Records to have waxed it three times - one side featuring Billy Murray, another an
instrumental version by Dietro Pietro, and this one recorded in late 1915. Nora was still a young Broadway star at this point in her career, before her recording of "Over There" made her an even bigger star, and some girlishness is
playfully evident here beneath the forceful style for she would be remembered. The record had been played quite a bit but it wasn't too badly mangled and it responded well to standard noise reduction. An entertaining piece of history.