Keeping the Irish stereotype in the public eye was good box office in 1904, when this 2-minute cylinder was recorded at Edison Labs in April of that year. Bob Roberts, who would be later known for introducing the hit "Ragtime Cowboy Joe" to Music Hall
audiences, is heard here as Clancy with a rather convincing Irish brogue. Albert Campbell, the high tenor in many quartets recorded before World War One, plays two parts - a boy on the street and the "girl part" opposite Roberts. The announcer for this
cylinder (Ed Meeker?) makes a cameo re-appearance as the Police sargeant near the end. The stereotypes on this record haven't aged well, though the story of a beat cop dating his girl while on duty (and getting in trouble for it) is ageless.
The cylinder from which this was sampled was in very nice shape, needing very little noise treatment to sound great.